Chemical Peels

Do you want a smoother and healthier skin? Chemical peels are a perfect option for those who want to treat their wrinkles, scars, discoloration and many other skin issues. They can be used separately, or be combined in a complex treatment. It depends on the skin state and the depth of the problem.

Chemical peels are mostly divided into three depth levels:

Light chemical peels can be used every three to five weeks. They remove epidermis. Light peels are very effective for issues like wrinkles, dryness, discolored skin, acne. 

Medium chemical peels address issues like scars, deep wrinkles, uneven skin tone. Together with epidermis, they also extricate dead cells from dermis (a deeper skin layer). For better efficiency, the procedure should be repeated. 

Deep chemical peels reach the deeper levels of your skin removing deep wrinkles and scars. The peeling treatment can even remove precancerous growths.

Side effects

Is there even a procedure without a side effect?

As every other treatment chemical peel can cause side effects. The most common ones are:

To avoid unpleasant consequences, be sure to consult a skilled specialist who will help you understand whether they are a good option for your skin treatment.

After the chemical peels